Friday morning I had the privilege of taking photos of an adorable little 3-month-old named Audrey. She has such a sweet temperament and was a natural model!
Love this picture! Look at those sweet cheeks and the dimpled fingers and elbows. |
What a dolly! My 8-year-old said that she thinks it looks likes Audrey is a teenager holding a camera to take a picture of herself! :o) |
Love that mommy/baby eye contact! So precious! |
Audrey's mommy, Jordanne, wore this little dress for photos when she was this age. Isn't that so neat?? |
You know how Miss Janet loves those little baby toes! |
I tell ya, this little gal is already trying to talk. It's so sweet how babies this age make sounds that sound like actual conversation minus the words we can understand! |
Such a perfect profile! If you click on this picture to see it a bit larger, you can even see the tiny little baby fuzz on her sweet little face. |
Num, num, num...she loves to chew on those sweet little hands! |
Speaking of sweet hands, I love this shot of Jordanne holding Audrey's hand in this picture. |
Sleepy little gal had to take a little rest at the end of a busy photo shoot. What a trooper she was! |
This is one of my favorite pictures from the entire photo shoot. It looks as if she is strumming her fingers and thinking, "Hmm..." :o) |
Thanks so much, Jordanne and Kyle, for trusting your sweet baby to my lens. She is positively adorable and was a pleasure to photograph! I will finish editing her photos in the next couple of days, and will have your portrait CD (with these photos and many more) by the end of the week.