Wednesday morning I had the privilege of doing a photo shoot for two little cutie bugs. Here's little brother, Easton, who is 10 months old.

And here is big sister, Macie, who is four...

They are both just adorable!

I love this big genuine smile! It just makes you remember how much fun it was being 4 years old!

Little Easton is very curious and loves being able to get around on his own...

Look at those cute little tootsies!

In this shot, Easton is getting ready to fuss to let us know he really wants to climb the stairs...not to sit still!

I think this is one of my very favorite pictures of Macie. She's got that look of 'okaaaayyyy lady' in her eyes. (I have seen this look so many times on my own kiddos!) Oh my gosh...I love this!

"Hmmm...what should I make him do now??"

Isn't he so cute?? Here's his very serious expression, with a set of his jaw as he works on those molars coming in...

Making plans to jump off of the little stone wall...

Nothing quite like the crinkled up nose grin of a little one. I love that you can see his little hair spikes so well in this pic, too.

Pretty girl...

There's just a connection between a brother and sister...

Sweet little chubby cheeks...

I really like this one of Miss Macie, too. You can tell she's in deep thought about something, while she's still very lady-like in her posture!

Sweet Bub and Sis...

You know how I love those little baby toes!

Pretty profile shot...

You can tell he is determined to make it up those stairs...

This expression will go well with any sentence that begins with, "But, Daddy, pleeeeease??"

Easton has such pretty blue eyes!

And Miss Macie has adorable brown eyes...

Smushy-face kisses!

Fun-loving Macie...

Curious boy, Easton...


Here's Miss Macie's collage...

And a collage for little Easton to show him proudly conquering the stairs!

Thanks so much, Mom and Dad, for trusting your sweet children to my lens. It was a pleasure to photograph your little cuties. I will finish editing your photos and have your portrait cd ready for you in the next few days.