This week I had the pleasure of doing a photo shoot for the "S" Family. Dad (Scott), Mom (Tonia), big brother (Shawn-age 14), sister (Katie-age 3), and little brother (Caleb-21 months). What a good looking family!

Miss Katie is quite a cutie, and told me that she likes to have her picture taken! (You know I loved that!)

Isn't Caleb just adorable?? Love those baby chubs on his sweet little cheeks!

I was so glad that Shawn was willing to let me take a few pictures of him, too! I would say, "What a handsome young man!", but I wouldn't want to embarrass him! :o)

Scott and Tonia are the busy daddy and mommy!

Little Miss Photogenic!

Such a serious expression, and I love the slobber bobber on his chin!

And THIS is how we convinced the 21 month old to stay in place for a picture...put him next to the cool door and let him stand up! Whatever it takes to capture such a sweet family!

Love love love this shot!

I do believe I see just a bit of an attitude here!

Cutie bug on the move...

Such a sweet picture of Katie and Caleb...

A family shot in black and white...

Sweet sister...

Katie and her mommy...

Sweet little man...

Isn't this picture just so cute?? I love the interaction!


Love the grins and eye contact in this picture of Caleb and his daddy!

Another sweet group shot...

I just love 3 year olds!

Oh my this so sweet or what???

Cute big brother, Shawn...

Tonia and Scott...

One more group shot. (These were each a little different and I couldn't decide which one I liked the best!)

Adorable profile!

Love those deep thinking eyes!

And off they go to enjoy their summer! (I asked Shawn, "Would you rather hold your dad's hand or Tonia's hand?" He said, "I don't care; either one would be equally as awkward!" I had to laugh! :o)

Thanks so much, Scott and Tonia, for trusting your family to my lens. I really enjoyed my time with your family! I will finish editing your photos and have your portrait cd ready for you next week!