This week I had the pleasure of photographing 15 day old Amelia Grace C. She is a sweet sweet little gal, and I was so excited to meet her and get some snuggle time in! Isn't she adorable??

Here she is with her mommy and her big sister, Mattie. (Gorgeous family, huh!?!) This one will make a great picture for Daddy's desk, I do believe!

How could anyone see the face of a newborn baby and not believe in the Great Creator??

Mattie is SO sweet with her baby sister..

You know how I love those little baby toes!

I had to get a few shots of the photogenic big sis!

Those little lips are so sweet!

Pretty pretty profile; and look at all of that hair!

There's something about this one that I really like...

Mattie loves to have her picture taken (and I'm so glad! :o)

Don't you wish you could sleep like this at night??

Mattie toes and Amelia toes...

Sweet mommy with her newest little girly...

Thanks so much, Adam and Angie, for sharing your family with my lens! I'll be finished editing your portraits and have your cd ready for you this weekend!