Wednesday morning, I had the pleasure of taking photos for two little cutie-bugs. With the colder weather we've had lately, we tried an indoor photo shoot at Bass Pro Shop. (They were wonderful there about letting us take our time and set things up.) The two girls are Torre (who is 6 months old) and Trinety (who is 2 years old). This photo was taken at the very end of the photo shoot, when the girls were having a little snack, but Miss Trinety was still ready to give her little sister a kiss on the forehead...

It worked out well that Bass Pro already had some Christmas trees up in their store. (And they were gorgeous trees, too!) I took some of the photos of the girls in their Christmas dresses. I love the big grin on Torre's face in this picture. She was ready to crawl right to that camera lens! So cute...

Trinety has the longest eyelashes. You can really see them in this profile shot...

This is one of my favorite pictures from the entire photo shoot. You know how I love little baby toes, but these little baby feet look so cute in these sweet socks. This photo just called for a black and white background with the sweet feet/socks in their true color. Anna, the girls' mommy, said that these socks were a very special gift from a friend who has experienced the death of a child. Daddy was holding little Torre in this picture...

Trinety did such a great job helping us to get some pictures of the girls together. You sure can see the resemblance in their eyes!

A more serious shot of the 'big girl'...

Oh my goodness...look at that sweet face!!

Trinety loves Dora the Explorer and even has the Dora Backpack (Backpack! :o) to match her shirt, shoes, and doll!

She took her smiles very seriously... :o)

Here are both girls with their Christmas dresses. (Torre was getting wiggly, but Trinety hung on tight!)

The 'thinking' that little tongue sticking out!

Don't you just want to kiss those sweet little cheeks??

Lovely little girlies...

I snapped this picture after Torre crawled right out of Trinety's hands. (This was the cute little grin Trinety gave me after the great 'escape'! I love it!)

One more picture of the beautiful girls together...

Thanks so much for trusting your girls to my lens. It was a privilege and a joy! I will be finished editing the photos and have the cd ready for you in the next few days.