A week ago Sunday, I had the pleasure of taking photos for the W Family! The weather was wonderful, and we were happy to be getting our portrait session in before the oldest two kiddos head off for college. Aren't they a good looking family??

I spent so long trying to figure out a way to edit this picture so that the space that shows the sky on the middle back area wouldn't stand out so much against the pretty trees on the other side. After hours of editing, I finally came to the conclusion that the portrait looks best just the way it is! Sometimes the pursuit of perfection gets in the way of creativity!

Zach is the youngest kiddo in the family. He will be a Junior in high school this year, I do believe. He attends the same high school that my hubby, Todd, went to.

Caitlin (boy I hope that I spelled that correctly!) is the eldest child and the only girl. Look at that gorgeous long hair! She already was off to college last week!

Here's Daddy with his girl. Aww...I love these sweet pictures like this!

These three siblings really enjoy their time together, as you can tell by the grins on their faces in this picture!

Caitlin, Zach, and Josiah...

Here's another one I spent hours on trying to edit, then ended up using it with only some color level adjustment...

Another group shot...I like the antique effect on this one. Some pictures call for the antique look, and some don't. I thought that this one did!

A group shot down in the woods. This is a new place to me, for doing photography, so I'm still discovering favorite spots according to the lighting.

The two bubs and their sis...I'd like to be a fly on the wall to hear what Mom says about Josiah's shoes in this picture. I like the effect, personally!

Next time I take pictures out here, I will bring along one of my kiddos to hold a sheet or something of the sort to block out direct light to the face. I really like the placement of the people on this picture. (l to r): Josiah, Zach, Sam, Joan, and Caitlin...

Momma and her girl...

Daddy and his boys. Love the lighting in this particular picture!

Caitlin and I both saw this field and fell in love with it! Once again, a sheet to block shadows would have been great, but I just love the sunflowers all around!

Here's something new I tried. On the great picture of Mom and Dad, I added cameo pics of each of the kids.

Off together to enjoy these last few days before school begins again!

Thank you, Sam and Joan, for trusting your family to my lens. Hope you love your portraits. I'll have your cd ready for you in the next day or two!